An Alternative To Lithium Battery

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What alternative to lithium-based components of EV battery pack for electric jeepneys with low maintenance or maintenance-free?

Lithium-based rechargeable battery, currently used in most consumer electronic devices, may often catch-up fire if the components were improperly formulated and/or constructed in parts.In the demanding  production of electric vehicles, finding rich lithium in mining may be often limited to produce a battery. There were an alternative components to produce a rechargeable battery for EVs, not only stores up more energy for longer operation of electric motor regardless of long travel but also charges up faster than conventional lead-acid car battery. These were:

Solid State Battery. It consists not only a few lithium but a combination of either glass, diamond, bulk or trace mineral elements. While it was currently in experimental phase developed in Japan, the possibility of storing more electrical energy with less risk of explosion and built-for-last lifespan may be likely for consumers in the future.

Diamond Battery. As part of the development of solid-state battery, it may consist of radioactive Carbon-14 element different from a typical carbon structure to form a diamond. It currently applies to most electronic devices as an electronic battery clock.

Sodium Battery. As part of solid-state battery component candidate, while sodium was much heavier than lithium in spite of limited storage, it was less risk of explosion and beneficial to long-term charging cycle.

Zinc-Bromine Battery. Developed by Gelion, it was ideal for storing energy from solar power. The battery may charge even at medium capacity level, less explosion, and long term charging cycle.

Aluminum-Air Battery. While it was promised to apply for future electric aviation to carry more energy capacitt at long-distance travel, it consist of aluminum plate as negative terminal, nickel plate as positive terminal, and air, oxygen, and water as electrolyte.

Silicon Battery. A lone silicon atom may not capable to handle more electron storage compared to lithium-ion. To address this problem to carry more energy, a silicon atom may join other surrounding silicon atoms to form a finger-like shape when discharged and form a ball or balloon when charged. The silicon battery may likely produce more energy capacity than lithium-ion battery.

Graphene Battery. Whilie storing more energy was only limited as a special supercapacitor but likely to charge faster, the graphene atom bond component may form a hair-like or finger-like structure if charged compared to silicon battery.

The effectivity and longevity of lithium-based battery storage alternative may depend on real time scenario and low or no maintenance. The development and trial is underway to ensure reliability to run electric vehicles.
