E-Francisco Motor Corporation, together with the Florida-based aircraft manufacturer LuftCar, is globally rocking the boat, or shall we say ...the air.

The biggest battery electric vehicle manufacturers in the world are rethinking and some others have totally stepped on the brakes on their plans as the 77-year old automotive manufacturer Francisco Motors from the Philippines made a pivot from using batteries towards using Hydrogen Fuel Cell Propulsion powered by Green Hydrogen not only for their hundreds of thousands of Jeepney fleet but also for the new Luft PINOY eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) that will hit the skies of the 7,101-island archipelago called The Philippines.

Elmer Francisco, a physicist, is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of eFMC said, "If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.

That's why we created HDEX Hydrogen Exchange so that we could reel in the great minds of our time and actually make things happen for our ESG initiatives to achieve Net Zero carbon footprint.

We (scientists) do the thinking, engineers make them happen. Which is why our tandem with Engr. Santh Sathya who handled the hydrogen car project of Ford Motor Company and also Boeing's hydrogen propulsion project is a perfect combination."

Une start-up américaine développe un van volant... propulsé à l'hydrogène

Une start-up américaine développe un van volant... propulsé à l'hydrogène

[L’industrie c’est fou] La jeune pousse américaine LuftCar développe un van modulaire propulsé à l’hydrogène capable aussi bien de...-L'industrie c'est fou